Using Google  Fusion Tables to Create an Android App

"A Fusion Table is a Google service to support the gathering, managing, sharing, and visualizing of data. Data are stored in multiple tables on Google's cloud. Individual tables can be merged (or fused) if they contain a common column, and they can be easily visualized on maps and in various kinds of charts and graphs. All of the data are stored in a public table that can be accessed via Google Drive, and allows different users** to add information to the tables. Coupled with a location sensor, an App Inventor app could post periodic updates of each user's location to a public fusion table. Users could post notes to mark noteworthy locations. For example, a team of botanists could use a Fusion Table app to create an annotated catalog of the trees or plants within a certain geographical area. See the Google Documentation on Fusion Tables for more information."

2 kommentarer:

  1. Google Fusion plus APP Android Inventor

  2. Our next project is about App Inventor and Google Fusion. We can use use App Inventor to make an app for an android device that can store information in our Google Fusion table. The app includes switching between screens and some input validation.
